Why am I bloating after eating?

Why am I bloating after eating?

Bloating after eating is a common problem. Many people experience this uncomfortable, swollen sensation after meals. It is normally triggered by indigestion, or by eating too much of a particular type of food. Fortunately, some relatively simple lifestyle changes can...
What is caffeine intolerance?

What is caffeine intolerance?

The 21st Century runs on caffeine: at no time in human history have we consumed as much. This potent natural chemical is thought to be the world’s most widely consumed psychoactive stimulant – meaning a substance that affects the nervous system. As soon as they...
How Do I Know If I’m Lactose Intolerant?

How Do I Know If I’m Lactose Intolerant?

Published June 21, 2021 If you are one of the many people who experience unpleasant symptoms after eating dairy foods like milk and cheese, you may have asked yourself “How do I know if I’m lactose intolerant?” But let’s start at the beginning: just what is lactose?...